What else do I need for my website?

What does my website need?

Your website needs a name and a place to live!

You must have a domain name. That is, your website’s address where people can find you. An example would be www.mybusinessname.com. This is registered through a Domain Registrar for which there is an annual fee paid to the registrar.

Next, you will need a hosting service. This is a company that has a lot of computer servers and where your website’s files, code, scripts etc. will be securely kept. The hosting company will charge an annual fee for their service.

If you haven’t registered your domain name or set up your hosting account, below are some companies that I have used for a long time.

A small commission is received if you use the exact links blow. The proceeds are donated to a local charity, so please use this link to open your account. Thank you!

Register your Domain Name

Namespro.ca – Register your domains for $12.88 CDN.
CIRA certified. Lowest price in Canada. Click here.

Hosting your Domain

Every Website has to have hosting, which is a secure server where your website’s files reside. Please speak to us about the best type of hosting for your Website. This can vary depending on the kind of Website you have. Here are some companies I use all the time and have been very happy with their services for many years.

Web Hosting Canada


WordPress Themes from Elegant Themes

I love working with Divi by Elegant Themes. It’s my favourite theme builder. I am now exclusively building websites with Divi.

Canadian Cloud Storage

Sync is a Canadian company with servers in Canada for DropBox-like cloud storage.

Sync.com - private cloud
Sync.com – Like Dropbox, but secure, and 100% private.


We can help provide high-quality stock photographs that you can use for your site or assist you in taking your own.

Check out the following stock photography website to see what’s available.

Canstockphoto.com offers really cheap images. However, because of their low prices, you will see these images a lot more on the Web.

Managing your Events

Do you need to manage events and sell tickets for your workshops or seminars? Then check out Eventbrite. It’s free for organizers to use as long as you’re not charging for tickets. If you are charging for events, then there’s a charge, of course.